On the permissibility of shooting down an aggressor plane carrying innocent passengers


  • Joaquín García-Huidobro Universidad de Los Andes.
  • Alejandro Miranda Montecinos Universidad de Los Andes.


Hijacked planes, Terrorism, Human dignity, Principle of the double effect


This paper critically analyzes the judgment of the German Constitutional Court that declared unconstitutional a law allowing shooting down planes that have been hijacked to commit terrorist attacks. It is attempted to show that, against the Court's opinion, the action of shooting down a hijacked plane is not necessarily a violation of the dignity of innocent passengers traveling in it. The thesis defended in this paper is based on a doctrine developed by the jurists of the School of Salamanca, which requires distinguishing between those actions that intentionally seek the death of an innocent and those actions that bring about such a death as a side effect.

Author Biographies

Joaquín García-Huidobro, Universidad de Los Andes.

Instituto de Filosofía.


Alejandro Miranda Montecinos, Universidad de Los Andes.

Facultad de Derecho.



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How to Cite

García-Huidobro, J., & Miranda Montecinos, A. (2015). On the permissibility of shooting down an aggressor plane carrying innocent passengers. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 20(2), 351-371. Retrieved from https://revistaderecho.ucn.cl/index.php/revista-derecho/article/view/1958


