Compensation and punitive rights in International Law

Commentary on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice on “Compensation Owed by the Republic of Nicaragua to the Republic of Costa Rica”




International court, Reparation, Punitive damages


The recent compensation ruling issued by the International Court of Justice in the case disputed between Costa Rica and Nicaragua raises relevant points about reparations in the international sphere. It is established in doctrine and in jurisprudence that compensation granted in international law seeks to repair a damage caused, but never punish the offending state. However, it is necessary to analyze if in this case that paradigm begins to change. Specifically, the way majority judges reasoned, and some Statements and a Separate Opinion to the ruling, show that in this case de facto punitive damages were probably awarded. Even if that were not the case, voices arise within the International Court of Justice itself that call for the inclusion of punitive damages in this legal system. In this context, the study of the conception, role and function of compensation in international law is of the outmost relevance. This commentary warns of the challenges that would exist if international tribunals award punitive damages.


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How to Cite

Zavala Achurra, M. E. (2021). Compensation and punitive rights in International Law: Commentary on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice on “Compensation Owed by the Republic of Nicaragua to the Republic of Costa Rica”. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 28, e3336.



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