The reformulation of the court's role in international contract law instruments


  • Rodrigo Momberg Uribe Universidad Católica del Norte.


Contract law, Adaptation of contract, Favor contractus, Implied terms, International sales law


This article examines the main international contract law instruments, with the purpose to demonstrate that the role of courts in regard to the contract has changed. The trend is to provide the courts with broader powers to intervene into the content of the contract, allowing the adaptation and preservation of the contract in order to protect the interest of both parties. The article also includes the study of cases which under the Romanist legal tradition, the courts have played a relevant role, such as the avoidance or termination of the contract, but that under the mentioned instruments are exercised directly by the affected party.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Momberg Uribe, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Escuela de Derecho.

Profesor adjunto.


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How to Cite

Momberg Uribe, R. (2015). The reformulation of the court’s role in international contract law instruments. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 21(2), 277-304. Retrieved from


