The concept of aquilian guilt and its evolution in the past few decades.: Different thesis Cristián Aedo Barrena 21-59 PDF (Spanish)
Towards an unjust penalty of organized crime.: A proposal as a lege ferenda manner Raul Carnevali Rodríguez 61-101 PDF (Spanish)
The weak revolution.: The offence of femicide introduced in Chile by ley N°20.480 from a comparative perspective Emanuele Corn 103-136 PDF (Spanish)
La excepcional autotutela ejecutiva de los actos administrativos en Chile Nicolás Enteiche Rosales 137-182 PDF (Spanish)
Notes on the formalization of the investigation from the perspective of object of criminal procedure Diego Falcone Salas 183-224 PDF (Spanish)
Omission by a guarantor and responsibility as principal or accessory.: A norm-theoretical reconstruction Juan Pablo Mañalich 225-276 PDF (Spanish)
The reformulation of the court's role in international contract law instruments Rodrigo Momberg Uribe 277-304 PDF (Spanish)
The concept of peace in the 1991 political constitution of Colombia:: dialectic reconstruction of its meaning from jurisprudence of the constitutional court Franklin Moreno Millán 305-346 PDF (Spanish)
Money laundering prevention and documentary credit:: who must be known by the issuing bank? An answer coming from the private law Ángela Toso Milos 401-436 PDF (Spanish)
The welfare state as a formula in the chilean constitution Christian Viera Álvarez 453-482 PDF (Spanish)
Comentario del informe del grupo especial de la OMC en el asunto República Dominicana - Medidas de salvaguardia sobre las importaciones de sacos de polipropileno y tejido tubular (informe de 31 de enero de 2012) Cristián Delpiano Lira 485-493 PDF (Spanish)
Extensión de la frontera marítima entre Perú y Chile.: La equidad como concepto decisorio. Disputa marítima, Perú v. Chile Corte Internacional de Justicia Daniel Parodi Nebreda 495-510 PDF (Spanish)
DE SALAS MURILLO, Sofía (Coord.) (2013): Los mecanismos de guarda legal de las personas con discapacidad tras la Convención de Naciones Unidas. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, Colección Monografías de Derecho Civil, Persona y Familia, 284 pp. Daniela Jarufe Contreras 513-516 PDF (Spanish)
NAVARRO FLORIA, Juan G. (Coord.) (2011): Acuerdos y concordatos entre la Santa Sede y los países americanos. Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad Católica Argentina, 285 pp. Carlos Salinas Araneda 571-521 PDF (Spanish)
TIEDEMANN, KLAUS (2014): Wirtschaftsstrafrecht; Einführung und Allgemeiner Teil, 4ª ed., München: Vahlen, 280 pp. Luis Gastón Varela Ventura 523-529 PDF (Spanish)