The concurrence of real actions and the material possession


  • Rodrigo Barcia Lehmann Universidad de Talca.


Registered possession, Material possession, Vindication action


This paper examines several sentences of the Supreme Court from 2010 to 2015 onwards to detect the criteria according to which courts discriminate between similar real actions. In most of the sentences, the fundamental criterion analyzed was that the concurrence of real action is the “material possession” of the thing. These sentences, in turn, establishes that the vindication action is the one that protects the domain par excellence, not only with regards to the possession, but also with regards to the material possession. This continuous jurisprudence of the Supreme Court has strongly cast doubt on the registered possession theory, which eventually affects the efficiency of the system of real actions as a consequence of that many actions and sentences are still underpinned by the registered possession theory, particularly the ones from the Appellate Courts.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Barcia Lehmann, Universidad de Talca.

This paper examines several sentences of the Supreme Court from 2010 to 2015 onwards to detect the criteria according to which courts discriminate between similar real actions. In most of the sentences, the fundamental criterion analyzed was that the concurrence of real action is the “material possession” of the thing. These sentences, in turn, establishes that the vindication action is the one that protects the domain par excellence, not only with regards to the possession, but also with regards to the material possession. This continuous jurisprudence of the Supreme Court has strongly cast doubt on the registered possession theory, which eventually affects the efficiency of the system of real actions as a consequence of that many actions and sentences are still underpinned by the registered possession theory, particularly the ones from the Appellate Courts.


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How to Cite

Barcia Lehmann, R. (2018). The concurrence of real actions and the material possession. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 24(1), 65-104. Retrieved from


