Imperio del Derecho versus imperio de los Jueces:

Un alegato por el pluralismo jurídico


  • Richard Stith Valparaiso University.



Rule of Law, Supreme courts, Political pluralism, Interpretation of the Law


This paper states that the absolute concentration of legal interpretation power in a supreme court is an error; moreover in times when judges themselves around the world are less convinced that the law is more a science than it is politics. It is argued that the alternative to monism is not necessarily disorder. Instead, it could be Legal Pluralism. The official interpretation of the law can be divided or balanced rather than completely merged or eliminated. It is likely that with a correct balance between the powers' separation and the stoppage and counterbalance system there won't be a principie solution to the tension underlying in the ideal of the Rule of Law, yet practical alternatives are offered to the choice among tyranny and disorder.

Author Biography

Richard Stith, Valparaiso University.

Profesor de Derecho.


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How to Cite

Stith, R. (2005). Imperio del Derecho versus imperio de los Jueces:: Un alegato por el pluralismo jurídico. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 12(1), 157-182.


