Reflecting about the recent evolution regarding social risks at an international level


  • Pablo Andrés Arellano Ortiz


Social Security, Human Rights, ILO, Agreement N°102, Social level


This piece of work intends to highlight different levels of coverage of the social risks, showing its evolution and problems. The Welfare state concept and Social Security are analyzed as traditional mechanisms of coverage indicating its deficiencies from a comparative point of view. These two levels are added one of social protection that intends to be established by the ILO to strengthen the two former levels. We find a critique to this social protection level regarding its non-normative character and to its disconnection to the other two levels.

Author Biography

Pablo Andrés Arellano Ortiz

Consultor internacional en temas de seguridad social.


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How to Cite

Arellano Ortiz, P. A. (2015). Reflecting about the recent evolution regarding social risks at an international level. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 17(2), 167-183. Retrieved from


