Media ownership and principles of state intervention to ensure freedom of expression in Chile


  • Pablo Ruiz-Tagle Vial Universidad de Chile.


Freedom of expression, Law No. 19.733 on Freedom of Opinion and Information and the Practice of Journalism, Principles of State intervention about freedom of expression, The State advertising


This paper aims to study the objective reality of the ownership of the means of communication and freedom of expression, to discuss the suitability of the positive actions of the State to ensure access to the possibility of expression of groups excluded from public space and analyze the development of the "marketplace of ideas" in our country.

Author Biography

Pablo Ruiz-Tagle Vial, Universidad de Chile.

Facultad de Derecho.

Profesor de Introducción al Derecho y Derecho Constitucional.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Tagle Vial, P. (2015). Media ownership and principles of state intervention to ensure freedom of expression in Chile. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 18(2), 347-359. Retrieved from


