The development of the constitutional principles of taxation of material nature in the jurisprudence of the constitutional court


  • Patricio Masbernat Muñoz Universidad de Talca.


Taxation, Taxation principles, Tax equity, Economic capacity, Not confiscatory


This paper seeks to identify the intrinsic ideas in the chilean constitutional jurisprudence about the material principles of taxation, particularly, equality and non-confiscatory tax. It is addded the principle of economic capacity, as a necessity of the research program. To achieve the goal, some elements of discourse analysis are used. But, essentially, to seek to contribute to the dogmatism of the material principles of taxation, an effort until now neglected in our country, and in this perspective, the method used to analyze the jurisprudence necessarily will differ from other studies. This work does not follow the traditional method, in the sense of linking this matter to the constitutional theory to the public economic order. In the conclusion, it is structured what according to the author are the central elements of the jurisprudential conception of the material principles of taxation.

Author Biography

Patricio Masbernat Muñoz, Universidad de Talca.


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How to Cite

Masbernat Muñoz, P. (2015). The development of the constitutional principles of taxation of material nature in the jurisprudence of the constitutional court. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 19(1), 129-196. Retrieved from


