The right to freedom of expression: a limiting right on state power?

(About the dialogue in a democratic intersubjective society)


  • Hugo Vega Zamora Universidad Diego Portales.


Right to freedom of expression, Habermas, Democracy, Intersubjective dialogue, Fundamental rights, Ademocratic state of law, A democratic state of law


This paper is about the budgets of the right to freedom of expression as part of the dialogue in the intersubjective areas related to communication, and also how its configuration as a right sets a limit on state power in the so-called democratic state of law, from the perspective of the important work of Jürgen Habermas. It will be analyzed on the scope of freedom of expression and fit it not only within the traditional negative liberties but re-thinking its scope as a freedom of a positive nature, and then compare the results of this analysis on the procedural democratic context offered by the Habermasian theory, and the scope of it including the domestic and political legal theory and International Law.

Author Biography

Hugo Vega Zamora, Universidad Diego Portales.

Investigador adjunto.


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How to Cite

Vega Zamora, H. (2015). The right to freedom of expression: a limiting right on state power? (About the dialogue in a democratic intersubjective society). Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 19(2), 355-369. Retrieved from


