Guarantee bank bond and insolvency.

Judicial nature, budgets for a valid payment and critical analysis of its impact in the par conditio creditorum principle


  • Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé Universidad de Los Andes.


Bank bond, Par conditio creditorum, Bankruptcy, Equality before the law, Bank guarantee


The present work seeks to determine if the emission and payment of a guarantee bank bond -BBG in Spanish- constitutes a legitimate exception of the par conditio creditorum in the Chilean Bankruptcy Law. This paper analyses the treatment that must be given to this bank guarantee in those cases that the solicitor is declared in bankruptcy, with the evident imbalance that is generated between the creditors whose credits were paid with the BBG, and those who, despite being legally equal, must integrate the community of losses by not having an equivalent title value.

Author Biography

Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé, Universidad de Los Andes.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial.


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How to Cite

Jequier Lehuedé, E. (2015). Guarantee bank bond and insolvency.: Judicial nature, budgets for a valid payment and critical analysis of its impact in the par conditio creditorum principle. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 20(2), 175-199. Retrieved from




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