Del From de social contract approach to the capabilities


  • Alfonso Henríquez Ramírez Universidad de Concepción.


Capabilities, Nussbaum, Sen, Contractualism, Justice


The social contract must involve a number of qualities in the individuals who will generate the contract, concretized in rationality, equality and interest. On the other hand, the capabilities approach will provide a framework for assessing the quality of life of individuals, putting aside specific qualities, understanding that what matters lies in answering the question about what a person can do. The paper will argue that, given the structural design of the social contract, it will be the capability approach the most appropriated one to think about the individuals, and his/her relations with the State, today.

Author Biography

Alfonso Henríquez Ramírez, Universidad de Concepción.

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales.

Departamento Historia y Filosofía del Derecho.



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How to Cite

Henríquez Ramírez, A. (2015). Del From de social contract approach to the capabilities. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 20(1), 265-291. Retrieved from


