¿ Is the procedure of fundamental rights an adequate tool control and punishment of mobbing? :

reflections from the enactment of law 20.607


  • Jorge Villalón Esquivel Universidad Católica del Norte.


Mobbing, Labor tutelage proceeding, Law 20.607


Until the enactment of the Law 20,607, published on August 8, 2012, the absence of specific legislation on mobbing in Chile, resulted in many of the responses to determine the solutions to the conflicts produced by mobbing, given by the practical application that the new labor courts have been made in relation to the current regulations of the Labor Code about the action and proceedings about labor tutelage. From this brief analysis, the following problem arises: The labor tutelage proceeding ¿ Does it constitute a suitable tool and really enough to control and punish mobbing in our country?. On this basis, and through the analysis of judgments by our labor courts about laboral proceedings applied to mobbing, this paper seeks to clarify if the statement fits or not to our current reality, but also to reflect and value the explicit recognition of mobbing in our Labor Code from the cited legal changes.

Author Biography

Jorge Villalón Esquivel, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Escuela de Derecho.

Profesor de la cátedra de Práctica Forense I y II.


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How to Cite

Villalón Esquivel, J. (2015). ¿ Is the procedure of fundamental rights an adequate tool control and punishment of mobbing? :: reflections from the enactment of law 20.607. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 20(1), 229-262. Retrieved from https://revistaderecho.ucn.cl/index.php/revista-derecho/article/view/1934


