The protection of an owner before whom improperly whithholds its property.

Jurisprudential analysis of the article 915 of Bello's code


  • María Francisca Pérez Peña Universidad Alberto Hurtado.


Article 915 Civil Code, Action for Repossession, Restitution, Protection Domain


This research aims is to examine the last rule of the XII Tile in the Chilean Civil Code, which seems to indicate something dif-ferent to what the recovery of possession action says: "the rules of this title shall apply against the one who, possessing in the name of others, improperly withholds a real estate or movable chattel, even if it does not do it on behalf of lord". This norm has generated a number of controver-sies in Chilean civil literature and jurisprudence. The study identifies the three questions that awakens the assumption made in Article 915, and the most important procedural features that this action has: proof of owner ship, mutual benefits, compensation and restitution dead line. The analysis demonstrates that the precarious action (Article 2195.2) will not always be the most favorable to the owner who intends to recover an asset, and that Article 915 of Bello's Code is a serious candidate to be understood as the general action for restitution of property in Chilean civil law.

Author Biography

María Francisca Pérez Peña, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

Licenciada en Derecho.


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How to Cite

Pérez Peña, M. F. (2015). The protection of an owner before whom improperly whithholds its property.: Jurisprudential analysis of the article 915 of Bello’s code. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 21(1), 387-421. Retrieved from




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