National discretion and international deference under the international covenant on civil and political rights


  • Pablo Contreras Vásquez Universidad Alberto Hurtado.


Margin of appreciation, Deference, National discretion, Human Rights Committee, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


The paper offers a doctrinal reconstruction of the Human Rights Committee's jurisprudence on national discretion and international deference. First, it analyzes how the Committee has avoided the use of the European "margin of appreciation" doctrine. Second, the paper reviews cases in which the Committee has developed particular deference standards, from strict scrutiny to those giving latitude to national author-ities. It concludes by asserting that the Committee has granted discretion to domestic bodies, though only on case-by-case basis.

Author Biography

Pablo Contreras Vásquez, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.



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How to Cite

Contreras Vásquez, P. (2015). National discretion and international deference under the international covenant on civil and political rights. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 21(1), 21-60. Retrieved from


