Los principios del Derecho Europeo de Contratos y el incumplimiento esencial.

Síntesis comparativa con el ordenamiento jurídico chileno


  • Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé Universidad Católica del Norte.




Contractual European Law, Principie of Contractual Law, Non-fulfillment of obligations, Essential non-fulfillment


This work deals with the growing phenomenon of balancing diverse regulations and rules ofprívate rights in Europe. It aims at the doctrinal initiatives that state the figure of the essential non-fulfillment in Contractual Law and its systematic integration based on principies and common bases that are recognized over such matter in the comparative European law, thus giving shape and content to what is currently known as a "European Contractual Law". The article comparatively analyzes the principies and bases in relation with the rules of the Chilean Civil Code about non-fulfillment of the obligations, defining similarities and differences among them with campared regulations about the same matter.

Author Biography

Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Escuela de Derecho.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial y Económico.


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Normas citadas

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How to Cite

Jequier Lehuedé, E. (2009). Los principios del Derecho Europeo de Contratos y el incumplimiento esencial.: Síntesis comparativa con el ordenamiento jurídico chileno. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 16(1), 193-219. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07189753.2009.0001.00007




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