Legal realism and dogmatic concepts.


  • Álvaro Núñez Vaquero Universidad Austral.


Dogmatic concepts, Tû-tû, Constitutive apocryphal norms, Thesis of relevance, System


The present work constitutes an attempt of reformulation, in iusrealistic terms, of the theory of the dogmatic concepts. It is structured into five sections. The first is about trying to delimit the scope of dogmatic concepts, distinguishing them from other types of concepts present in legal language. Second, we analyze and criticize the reconstruction of Alf Ross of dogmatic concepts, to thirdly address how they are formulated. The fourth section deals with the functions frequently performed by those within the science of law. It concludes with an analysis of the problems encountered in the use and formulation of these concepts.

Author Biography

Álvaro Núñez Vaquero, Universidad Austral.

Profesor de Teoría del derecho de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Doctor en Filosofía del Diritto e Bioetica Giuridica por la Università degli Studi di Genova.


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How to Cite

Núñez Vaquero, Álvaro. (2019). Legal realism and dogmatic concepts. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 25(2), 237-269. Retrieved from


