La Indemnity guarantee in Chile:

normative and comparative analysis from comparative law and the Common Law


  • Gonzalo Martínez Merino Universidad Católica del Norte.


Indemnity guarantee, Retaliation, Labor justice


This paper develops the indemnity guarantee in the Chilean legal system through an analysis from comparative law, especially from the Spanish constitutional doctrine and the American common law. The objective is to describe the significance in our country the enactment of Law 20,087 and the need of a legal recognition of indemnity guarantee, briefly explaining the context of its use, its conceptual origin and development policy, ending with a comparative analysis and defining the basic elements of the guarantee, briefly mentioning specific cases. It seeks to clarify two primary issues: the origin and entry into force of the guarantee in Chile, which I define as semi late and fortuitous, along with the current development of the indemnity and the configuration of the basic elements developed by the Chilean Justice Courts.

Author Biography

Gonzalo Martínez Merino, Universidad Católica del Norte.



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How to Cite

Martínez Merino, G. (2015). La Indemnity guarantee in Chile:: normative and comparative analysis from comparative law and the Common Law. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 19(2), 333-353. Retrieved from




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