Section Policy

Revista de Derecho (Coquimbo. En Línea) has three permanent sections:

RESEARCH. His section includes essays and studies, meaning:

  • Essays: work of a speculative or informative nature or with an eminently practical or forensic projection. 
  • Studies: original and unpublished work referring to a study or research of interest in the legal world, which is finished or whose progress allows the communication of its results.

This section's maximum length is 90,000 characters without spaces (approximately 27 pages), including footnotes and bibliographical references.

If you want to review the Evaluation Guidelines for the section, you can download them here.

Make a new submission to the Research section.

CASE LAW COMMENTS. This includes, respectively, the specialised analyses of the contributions and new features of the judgement(s) being commented. They must have a maximum length of 40,000 characters without space (approximately 15 pages), including footnotes and bibliographical references.

If you want to review the Evaluation Guidelines for the section, you can download them here.

Make a new submission to the Case law comments section.

REVIEWS. A section that contains the author's conclusions about the review of a text published by another author, giving an account of their detailed reading and critique of the content of the work analysed. Reviews cannot exceed 16,000 characters without spaces (approximately seven pages), including footnotes and bibliographical references.

Make a new submission to the Reviews section.