
Erratum incorporation procedure (RECTIFICATIONS)

Erratum, for the publications of the journal, must be understood as the usual method of editing after any article, through which all the errors that have been detected in an issue of the journal are corrected. This procedure must consider that if part of an article contains an error, this can be rectified later by means of an editorial note or an erratum. The corrections of errors will be made, depending on the error, in the same publication or a new version. 

To request the incorporation of errata, please send an e-mail to indicating the page/paragraph/footnote where the error is found, indicating which correction should be made by the Drafting Committee. The above may be done within six months of the publication of the paper on the journal's website.

Retraction of Authors

Authors may withdraw a paper submitted to the journal before the article is approved for review by blind reviewers.

In the case of withdrawal, the author(s), together, must raise the issue in writing to the Director of the Journal, who will present the case to the Editorial Committee. The committee must decide within 15 calendar days, and the decision will be communicated to the authors concerned. There is no appeal against this decision.