Conflicts of interests / Competing interests

As for the author(s):

The journal requires authors to declare any legal, employment or economic affiliation that may pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted work.

Due to the nature of the works that may be published in the journal, it is possible that conflicting interests may arise that may affect the impartiality of the contribution selection process or the authors; therefore, each author must make an effort to identify them.

In this sense, authors must incorporate after the bibliographic references a statement of commitment, expressing clearly and concisely whether there are conflicts of interest and specify each one of them. In this statement, they must also specify the source of funding for the research, as well as the declaration of any commercial, financial or personal links that may affect the work or publishing institution.

The journal accepts no responsibility whatsoever for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works published.

As for the designated Evaluators: 

The internal and external evaluators of the journal shall refrain from issuing the required judgement if there is a circumstance or fact that affects their objectivity and impartiality, either in relation to the work or to the author.

The following are considered to be subjective causes for abstention: family ties by blood with the author or any of the authors, work or economic ties of any kind, or particularly relevant ties of friendship or enmity, or if the author(s) of the article is/are well recognised.

The expression of a previous opinion on the work, or suggestions to the author about the object of the work, or any other previous collaboration of a scientific nature, which involves the prior formation of a judgment or violation of the principle of non-prevention, are considered objective causes of abstention.

The journal will take special care not to select evaluators who may be affected by any of the above situations.