Will of the law or the legislator:

an exclusion of liability in the legal decision





Will of the law, Will of the legislator, Political responsibility


The practical difficulties involved in the use of the concepts will of the law and the will of the legislator and then justifies that the use of this terms responds to an avoidance of the political responsibility inherent to the legal decision.

Author Biography

Diego Pérez Lasserre, Universidad San Sebastián.

Docente e Investigador, Sede Valdivia.

Mg. en Pensamiento Contemporáneo: Filosofía y Pensamiento Político, U. Diego Portales.


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How to Cite

Pérez Lasserre, D. (2020). Will of the law or the legislator:: an exclusion of liability in the legal decision . Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 27, e4145. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0718-9753-2020-0006




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