The gender-based aggravations of the criminal offence of homicide in the argentinian penal Code and the human dignity:

a sudy from the kantian ethic




Human dignity, Gender, Homicide


The value of human dignity is a core concept to limit the punitive power in the context of a State of law. In it, the respect of human dignity an unwavering starting point. When we inquire about it content, the human dignity gets identified with the equality or the autonomy. The human dignity is not a legal concept which can be expressed in specific rules. Foremost, it is a moral concept which has different levels of significance depending on its context and linguistic function. Thus, we will inquire about its meaning according to the Kantian ethic. The content of it will constitute the theoretical framework we will analyse from the gender-based aggravations of the criminal offence of homicide of the Argentinian Penal Code, being our main question: these aggravations contradict the concept of human dignity?.

Author Biography

Nicolás Santiago Cordini, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

Departamento de Ética. Profesor de Derecho penal I, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, D. iur. Utr. Becario Posdoctoral del CONICET en el Instituto Ambrosio L. Gioja, Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Cordini, N. S. (2019). The gender-based aggravations of the criminal offence of homicide in the argentinian penal Code and the human dignity:: a sudy from the kantian ethic. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 26, e3596.


