Construction in another’s land with the owner’s acquiescence

a commentary to a decision delivered by the supreme court in 26 of july 2018 (Rol N° 38.141-2017)




Accession, Acquiescence, Unjustified enrichment


This case note deals with a judgment delivered by the Supreme Court in 2018, in which it was understood that the phrasing “with the acquiescence of the landowner”, contained in the second part of article 669 of the Civil Code does not only refers to the knowledge of the landowner, but demands an additional element: a manifest or apparent authorization from her. Contrary to what the Supreme Court declared, this interpretation does not find support in the work of the jurist Luis Claro Solar.

Author Biography

Manuel González González, University of Oxford.

Research Student. Abogado. MSc Law, Anthropology & Society, London School of Economics and Political Science, U. of London.


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How to Cite

González González, M. (2020). Construction in another’s land with the owner’s acquiescence: a commentary to a decision delivered by the supreme court in 26 of july 2018 (Rol N° 38.141-2017). Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 28, e3404.



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