A reasonable justification based on the isonomy in Act No. 20.609, elucidating the concept of arbitrary discrimination:

Commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Court of Chile of March 19, 2018 (Case No. 42000-2017).


  • Luis Mora Vásquez 1er. Juzgado Civil de San Miguel.


Isonomy, Arbitrary discrimination, Distinction


The importance of the chosen sentence is that it delimits the concept of arbitrary discrimination, for this purpose the reasoning of the judges focused on one of its modalities of commission, differentiation, establishing precisely from that a reasonable justification that caused the rejection of the complaint.

Author Biography

Luis Mora Vásquez, 1er. Juzgado Civil de San Miguel.

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Abogado redactor de proyectos de fallos, 1er Juzgado Civil de San Miguel, Chile.


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How to Cite

Mora Vásquez, L. (2019). A reasonable justification based on the isonomy in Act No. 20.609, elucidating the concept of arbitrary discrimination:: Commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Court of Chile of March 19, 2018 (Case No. 42000-2017). Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 25(2), 363-372. Retrieved from https://revistaderecho.ucn.cl/index.php/revista-derecho/article/view/3374



Case law comments