Scopes of the writ of protection before the Judge of Guarantee


  • Rodrigo Ríos Álvarez Universidad Finis Terrae.


Writ of protection, Court of Guarantee, Article 95 of Criminal Procedure Code


Unlike the former Code of Criminal Procedure, which contained a detailed regulation regarding the procedure for the writ of protection, the current Code of Criminal Procedure omits any pronouncement in this regard, enshrining a single rule related to this matter, which is the writ of protection before the Judge of Guarantee. Since this standard has been applied, a number of interpretative problems have arisen as to the scope of this legal action. For example, those linked to the purposes that may be pursued, as well as the potential court that will be competent to hear about it. The present work makes a tour of these problems, through a critical review of the current state of discussion, seeking to expand the margins that today are recognized as the area of application of this action.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Ríos Álvarez, Universidad Finis Terrae.

Profesor de Derecho Procesal Penal y Litigación Oral, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile).

Magíster en Derecho con Mención en Derecho Público y Abogado de la Universidad de Chile. 


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How to Cite

Ríos Álvarez, R. (2018). Scopes of the writ of protection before the Judge of Guarantee. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 25(1), 257-278. Retrieved from


