The protection of the underwater cultural heritage in the convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage 2001


  • Rubén Miranda Gonçalves Universidad Europea de Madrid.


Underwater cultural heritage, Convention on the protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, Public Law, Law of the Sea, Spoliation


This article discusses the development of the rule that filled a legal vacuum on this matter. Throughout this study, the legal status of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention 2001 will be analyzed, such as the studying of its birth, objectives and the general principles that establishes and the protection of the underwater cultural heritage in various marine areas. Finally, its entry into force will and the relation of states that have ratified or approved it will be highlighted. The object of analysis is especially relevant since it should be noted that until 2001 there wasn’t international text that would protect this area specifically.

Author Biography

Rubén Miranda Gonçalves, Universidad Europea de Madrid.

Máster de Abogacía.

Profesor de Derecho Administrativo.


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How to Cite

Miranda Gonçalves, R. (2018). The protection of the underwater cultural heritage in the convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage 2001. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 24(1), 247-262. Retrieved from


