Disidentes y nuevos disidentes.

El matrimonio civil y el matrimonio canónico en Chile republicano


  • Jorge Precht Pizarro Universidad de Talca.




State of Chile, Catholic Church, Civil marriage, Religious marriage, Dissidents


In this research the author maintains that neither the State of Chile nor the Catholic Church in Chile imposed the religious marriage to those who are non-catholic, but rather that there were civil effects recognized to marriage of dissidents and non-believers in such a way that this monopoly of the Church over marriage did not exist, discarding the thesis of the so-called catholic imposition that can still be found in official documents of the Chilean Episcopate. It then states that with article 20 of the Law 19.947 there has been a qualitative change in the Chilean society where Catholics are the "new dissidents".

Author Biography

Jorge Precht Pizarro, Universidad de Talca.

Profesor titular de Derecho Constitucional.


CIFUENTES, Abdón: Memorias, Editorial Nascimento, 1936, tomo I.

CONFERENCIA EPISCOPAL: El Sacramento del Matrimonio y la Ley Civil. Guía Práctica para Párrocos y Agentes Pastorales, diciembre 2004.

HURTADO, Alberto: Obras completas, Santiago, Domen Ediciones, segunda edición, abril 2003, tomo I.

La Revista Católica, año 20, 3 de enero de 1920.

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How to Cite

Precht Pizarro, J. (2006). Disidentes y nuevos disidentes.: El matrimonio civil y el matrimonio canónico en Chile republicano. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 13(1), 103-114. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07189753.2006.0001.00005


