Citizenship and gender.

Representations and conceptualization in modern and contemporary thinking


  • Yanira Zúñiga Añazco Universidad Austral.


Citizenship, Gender, Feminism, Development, Capacity


The concept of citizenship has suffered multiple mutations throughout history. In this work I shall consider two great epochs of evolution in the notion of citizenship: a) the passing to modernism, and b) its contemporary new conception. I shall sustain that in both eras the notion of citizenship denotes the crossing of a phenomenon of belonging and a phenomenon of social process of subjectivity among individuals. In order to examine the process of construction of the feminine citizenship, I will reclaim the form in which the feminist thinking has represented the problem of subjectivity in the context of the conceptualization of citizenship and its influence in the contemporary emergency of new models of citizenship (the latter as empowerment and the model of human development promoted by the UNDP) to observe the legal implications contained in these new proposals regarding women's rights. Given that the symbolic representation of the facts has high performance components, this is, that discourse has the power to establish not only to "describe" reality, I shall sustain, as a dependent hypothesis that the construction and guaranty difficulties of the feminine citizenship can be explained in part due to the recent theory that citizenship has been trespassed by the approach of gender and that this new concept should anticipate a more effective future process of feminine subjectivity.

Author Biography

Yanira Zúñiga Añazco, Universidad Austral.

Profesora de Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Internacional Público.


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How to Cite

Zúñiga Añazco, Y. (2015). Citizenship and gender.: Representations and conceptualization in modern and contemporary thinking. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 17(2), 133-163. Retrieved from


