The alternative dispute resolution "ADR" in the justice of the 21st century, especially the mediation


  • Silvia Barona Vilar Universitat de Valencia.


Jurisdiction, mediation, conciliation, arbitration


This essay seeks to expose not very much analyzed experiences by the legal systems of the continental Europeans, but very well known by the Anglo-Saxon systems. The stated goal is to encourage debate on these alternatives to resolve conflicts in society, with special attention to mediation.

Author Biography

Silvia Barona Vilar, Universitat de Valencia.

Catedrática de Derecho Procesal.

Presidenta de la Corte de Arbitraje y Mediación, Cámara de Valencia.


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How to Cite

Barona Vilar, S. (2015). The alternative dispute resolution "ADR" in the justice of the 21st century, especially the mediation. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 18(1), 185-211. Retrieved from


