Contribution of the judicial dissent model to the political system:

Judicial pluralism and democratic debate


  • Sergio Verdugo Universidad del Desarrollo.


Dissent, Separate vote, Constitutional power, Judicial transparency, Judicial legitimacy


In a comparative law perspective there are differences related to the possibility of publishing the dissenting opinions and concurrences that exist inside collegiate courts. Some systems follow a tradition of secrecy, while others follow transparency. This work analyzes the benefits that the dissenting opinion system produces for the political system, studying the role of the judges inside it. It explores the relation between this debate and a perspective of judicial legitimacy based on accountability and less related to the professionalization and hierarchy of the judicature. Te paper proposes a framework for discussing the problem of judicial transparency inside those countries that accept constitutional democracy and judicial review, offering a line of research and opening perspectives for future papers.

Author Biography

Sergio Verdugo, Universidad del Desarrollo.

Centro de Justicia Constitucional.

Profesor de Derecho Constitucional e investigador.


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How to Cite

Verdugo, S. (2015). Contribution of the judicial dissent model to the political system:: Judicial pluralism and democratic debate. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 18(2), 217-272. Retrieved from


