Labor citizenship:

criticism and defense of a juridico-political concept


  • Fernando Muñoz León Universidad Austral.


Domination and citizenship, Workers emancipation, Critical legal theory


Our labor case law, in both its administrative and judicial versions, invokes the notion of 'labor citizenship' to protect various 'fundamental rights' of workers, particularly their privacy and their honor. This discursive practice resignifies the concept of citizenship, which normally denotes the egalitarian inclusion of all the members of a community in the adoption of decisions that are consequential for the community at stake. This resignification of the concept of citizenship seems not only unnecessary -and, thus, unjustified in light of the methodological principle of parsimony- but also programmatically inconvenient. To convince workers that their labor citizenship is protected when their individual interests are protected obscures the historical -political and juridical- goal of emancipating the working class. This emancipation will only be achieved once the contractual relation between workers and employers has left the realm of subordination and dependence to enter that of egalitarian inclusion; that is to say, that of citizenship.

Author Biography

Fernando Muñoz León, Universidad Austral.

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales.

Profesor Auxiliar.


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How to Cite

Muñoz León, F. (2015). Labor citizenship:: criticism and defense of a juridico-political concept. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 20(2), 373-404. Retrieved from




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