La Dworkin's distributive theory and the right to health care


  • Alejandra Zúñiga Fajuri Universidad de Valparaíso.


Health care, Personal responsibility, Distributive justice


This essay reviews the health distribution theory of the American philosopher Ronald Dworkin, which is developed under the premise of reducing the expenses about health through a service based on the principle of individual responsibility. The result of this process can support the creation of a "minimum level of health security system" in which people ensure themselves following a prudence principle that allows the restraint and the guarantee of a basic health care.

Author Biography

Alejandra Zúñiga Fajuri, Universidad de Valparaíso.



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How to Cite

Zúñiga Fajuri, A. (2015). La Dworkin’s distributive theory and the right to health care. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 20(1), 323-338. Retrieved from


