The need of gas hydrate legislation in Chile


  • Eduardo Roig Monge Universidad Bernardo O´´Higgins.


Gas hydrates, Within jurisdiction, Methane, Exploitation, Exploration


Gas hydrates are subject of Chemical and Political discussion. The experts on the subject see this as an important economic opportunity, trying to meet the contemporary energy needs in Chile because of its discovery within jurisdiction. Looking at the lack of unanimity in the interpretation that should be given to the good, its exploration and exploitation, this paper will attempt to explain the nature of this event, of apparently, considerable socioeconomic importance and, conclusively give deliver an advance to the legal exegete, mainly through an analysis in that matter, finally showing the need and obligation of the Chilean state to legislate within a certain minimal content.

Author Biography

Eduardo Roig Monge, Universidad Bernardo O´´Higgins.

Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas.


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How to Cite

Roig Monge, E. (2015). The need of gas hydrate legislation in Chile. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 21(1), 221-251. Retrieved from


