Some lessons from four cases of wrongful convictions in Chile


  • Mauricio Duce Julio Universidad Diego Portales.


Innocents, Convictions, Wrongful, Exonerations, Causes


This paper attempts to improve the knowledge in Chile regarding some mistakes of justice, through a detailed analysis of cases of wrongful convictions exonerated by the Supreme Court. Specifically the paper analyzes four cases of this kind, produced between February 2012 and January 2014 (Lobos case 2012, Robles case 2014, Antio case 2013 and Moreno case 2013). These cases demonstrate serious problems regarding the use of eyewitnesses identification procedures by the police, the important risks that the use of simplified procedures with guilty pleas produces to convict innocents, and some important defects in the work of prosecutorial agencies and defense lawyers. In each area, the problems produced in the cases under analysis will be described, and also some basic lines of actions will be suggested, in order to avoid them in the future. In this development, the available comparative and national experience in the matter will be used.

Author Biography

Mauricio Duce Julio, Universidad Diego Portales.

Facultad de Derecho.

Profesor Titular.



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How to Cite

Duce Julio, M. (2015). Some lessons from four cases of wrongful convictions in Chile. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 22(1), 149-208. Retrieved from


