Precontractual new duties of information in temporary certificates of coverage, and final proposal of insurance contract


  • Marcelo Barrientos Zamorano Pontificia Universidad Católica.


Insurance, Precontractual information duties, Proposal, Insurance certificate


In the insurance contract the pre-contractual duty of disclosure and conduct of the parties is particularly important in three instruments, certificates of coverage or final certifícate and provisory certifícate and the proposal created by the law 20.667. It will be offered an overview of the study of the normative sources of certificates of coverage or final certifícate and provisory certifícate and legislative models that were considered by the Chilean Congress in relation to pre-contractual duty of disclosure.

Author Biography

Marcelo Barrientos Zamorano, Pontificia Universidad Católica.

Profesor de Derecho Civil.


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CORTE DE APELACIONES DE TALCA, de 2 de noviembre de 2011, rol 692-2011, "Espinoza Serrano, Marta/Compañía de Seguros Renta Nacional". Microjuris: MJCH_MJJ29914 | ROL: 692-11, MJJ29914.



How to Cite

Barrientos Zamorano, M. (2015). Precontractual new duties of information in temporary certificates of coverage, and final proposal of insurance contract. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 22(1), 65-104. Retrieved from


