The "animus donandi"


  • Francisca Leitao Álvarez-Salamanca Universidad de Los Andes.


Donation, Animus donandi, Non mortis causa


To elaborate the classic concept of roman donation (non mortis causa) and donation between strangers, it has been discussed the need for subjective and objective elements. This is because donation is not a typical formal act, but rather a cause. The existence of subjective elements of donation has meant the creation of an entire doctrine regarding animus donandi as an additional element by part of the roman doctrine.

The purpose of this paper is to clarify whether the subjective element is necessary for there to be a donation or it is just enough with the cause of donation. In order to explain the above: i) the state of affairs in relevant roman doctrine will be displayed ii) subjective element in jurisprudential sources will be studied; and iii) the imperial constitutions relevant to the topic will conclude the explanation. Finally, as an attempt to ascertain, the objective element (the cause of donation) or the subjective element (animus donandi) in the person of the donor will become established as the only one required

Author Biography

Francisca Leitao Álvarez-Salamanca, Universidad de Los Andes.

Facultad de Derecho.

Profesora de Derecho Romano.


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How to Cite

Leitao Álvarez-Salamanca, F. (2016). The "animus donandi". Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 22(2), 221-242. Retrieved from




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