The new prominence of judges in the representation of justice:

A proposal analysis of judicial activism


  • Marco Feoli Villalobos Universidad de Costa Rica.


Judges, Judicialization of politics, Judicial activism, Radial concept


The political sphere from those who represent the other State Bodies has been impacted by the actions of the judges. It has long been accepted that judges had a different field of proceeding from the other public institutions, but this situation has been changing in the recent years. Indeed, we have witnessed the persistent dismantling of the idea that the judge is "the mouth of the law", a mere applicator of rules, for what this fact has contributed to an internalization of concepts such as judicial activism. The following paper is about its scope and conceptualization in Latin America.

Author Biography

Marco Feoli Villalobos, Universidad de Costa Rica.

Profesor de Derecho Constitucional.


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How to Cite

Feoli Villalobos, M. (2016). The new prominence of judges in the representation of justice:: A proposal analysis of judicial activism. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 22(2), 173-198. Retrieved from


