Enforcement and personal coercive measures.

A comparative study


  • Teresa Armenta Deu Universitat de Girona.


Execution, Coercive measures, Astreintes, Imprisonment for debt


The present work tackles the threatening personal measures in the process of execution. The interest is centered on offering an analysis of comparative law to an important part of the traditionally forgotten process of execution yet which is of increasing interest to many European and American legal systems. Both of them, in the context of the economic crisis as well as for the urgent need to give a full response to the effective enforcement of the personal obligations in order to ensure the monetary and non-monetary execution.

Author Biography

Teresa Armenta Deu, Universitat de Girona.

Catedrática de Derecho Procesal.

Directora del CEAPJ.


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How to Cite

Armenta Deu, T. (2016). Enforcement and personal coercive measures.: A comparative study. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 22(2), 23-54. Retrieved from https://revistaderecho.ucn.cl/index.php/revista-derecho/article/view/1808


