Los márgenes del juez constitucional al colmar lagunas


  • Francisco Tortolero Cervantes Universidad de Guanajuato.




Constitutional Interpretation, Constitutional Courts, Europe


The reconsideration of the role of the law in politics, since the end of World War II, implied a strategic role of the constitutional interpreters. The ever more novel formulas with which the judge fulfills the gaps in the law reports a certain voluntarism oriented to avoid the confrontation of the legal interpreters facing the creators of the norms. The new understanding of this subordination of the law to the constitutional principies (and thus, to the values captured in the constitutions) implied a substantial change in the scope of the constitutional precept, susceptible of materializing in diverse modalities with which they could be applied from this moment. The task of the constitutionaljudge, however, does not consist in reporting and sanctioning the lack of constitutional pertinence of the law; moreover, in the presence of gaps.

Author Biography

Francisco Tortolero Cervantes, Universidad de Guanajuato.

Facultad de Derecho.


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How to Cite

Tortolero Cervantes, F. (2006). Los márgenes del juez constitucional al colmar lagunas. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 13(2), 149-174. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07189753.2006.0002.00006


