The function of the actio tributoria in roman insolvency proceedings


  • Alessandro Cassarino Università di Pisa.


Actio tributoria, Theophilus' Greek paraphrasis, Par condicio creditorum, Merx peculiaris


The actio tributoria was granted by the Roman pretor to condemn a father or a master, whose son under authority (filius in potestate) or slave had contracted an obligation when he was trading with a merx peculiaris, and then he did not honor it. The general legal regime of this action is contained in Gaius' Institutes (4.72) and Justinian's Institutes (4.7.3), in which, it is also possible to find the regulation of the merx peculiaris as an independent fund. According to the Pretorian rules, in case of obligations not implemented by the son or slave, all the goods and money included in the merx peculiaris must be distributed pro rata among all the creditors who have proved their claim in an equal position (par condicio creditorum). The use of the actio tributoria was allowed only if the father or master made a fraudulent distribution. The knowledge of this actio is completed by the analysis of the title 14.1 of Justinian's Digest, and the Greek paraphrasis of Justinian's Institutes written by the Byzantine jurist Theophilus.

Author Biography

Alessandro Cassarino, Università di Pisa.

Departamento de Derecho.

Titular de una beca de investigación.


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How to Cite

Cassarino, A. (2016). The function of the actio tributoria in roman insolvency proceedings. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 23(2), 243-264. Retrieved from


