Criminal liability of the employer for intruding into his employee’s emails. Jaime Couso Salas 29-76 PDF (Spanish)
Venezuela:: Constitutional choices to the institutional crisis. María Laura Eberhardt, Mario Daniel Serrafero 77-118 PDF (Spanish)
The direct effect of international law in the chilean legal system. Ximena Fuentes Torrijo, Diego Pérez Farías 119-156
Interest claim in the context of bankruptcy procedures. Juan Luis Goldenberg Serrano 157-199 PDF (Spanish)
The extension of arbitration agreement to apparent third parties in international commercial arbitration:: Analysis of some theories. Juan Pablo Labbé Arocca 201-236 PDF (Spanish)
Coordination and controversy between public bodies responsible for resolving tax disputes in matters of local taxation:: Comptroller General of the Republic, Courts of Appeals, Supreme Court, and Constitutional Court. Patricio Masbernat Muñoz 273-309 PDF (Spanish)
The display of accounting documents as a preparatory preliminary measure in the chilean civil proceeding. Adolfo Romero Evans 311-346 PDF (Spanish)
A reasonable justification based on the isonomy in Act No. 20.609, elucidating the concept of arbitrary discrimination:: Commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Court of Chile of March 19, 2018 (Case No. 42000-2017). Luis Mora Vásquez 363-372 PDF (Spanish)
Barrientos Zamorano, Marcelo (2016): “Normas sobre la protección de los derechos de los consumidores en el contrato de seguro en Chile” (Fundación Mapfre), 187 pp. Erika Isler Soto 375-376 PDF (Spanish)