Sobre el porvenir de las revistas jurídicas de Chile (II) Kamel Cazor Aliste 17-20 PDF (Spanish) PDF (Spanish) PDF (Spanish)
Enforcement and personal coercive measures.: A comparative study Teresa Armenta Deu 23-54 PDF (Spanish)
Protection over the access to drinking water within the international law framework Silvia Bertazzo 55-92 PDF (Spanish)
Nature, content and principles of the law of urbanism in Chile Eduardo Cordero Quinzacara 93-138 PDF (Spanish)
The new prominence of judges in the representation of justice:: A proposal analysis of judicial activism Marco Feoli Villalobos 173-198 PDF (Spanish)
Effects on the execution of the sentence on the precedent regarding the access to the applicable system of alternative sentences provided by the law 18.216.: Considerations on the statute applicable to the criminal reiteration apart from the aggravating circumstance of recidivism Francisco Maldonado Fuentes 243-277 PDF (Spanish)
The implementation of the decisions by the inter-american human rights system in Chile:: a balance Judith Schönsteiner, Javier Couso 315-355 PDF (Spanish)
Some relevant aspects of locatio conductio regarding the model of remunerated service contracts in roman law: Algunos aspectos relevantes de la locatio conductio. Gonzalo Severin Fuster 357-389 PDF (Spanish)
Gender identity, family relationships and rights of children & adolescents.: Commentary on bill for recognition and protection of gender identity rights Nicolás Espejo Yaksic, Fabiola Lathrop Gómez 393-418 PDF (Spanish)
The perfomance of the antitrust prosecutor's office:: is really public enforcement superior to private enforcement? Diego Pardow 419-451 PDF (Spanish)
Línea jurisprudencial en materia de toma de muestras biológicas de adolescentes condenados, para inclusión de su huella genética.: ¿El recurso de nulidad flexibiliza su rigurosidad? Ángel Ávila Calderón, Diego Palomo Vélez 455-473 PDF (Spanish)
Criterios de admisibilidad en la acción de inaplicabilidad:: A propósito de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional Rol 2808-2015, dictada dentro de la denominada "Arista Soquimich" Kamel Cazor Aliste 475-483 PDF (Spanish)
Comentario de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional español rol 241/2012 de 17 de diciembre, en relación con el derecho a la intimidad y el derecho al secreto de las comunicaciones. Alejandro Villanueva Turnes 485-490 PDF (Spanish)
BELLIDO, Rafael (Dir.) (2014): El Recurso de Casación Civil. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer La Ley, 540 pp. Carlos del Río Ferretti 493-495 PDF (Spanish)
SÁNCHEZ-STEWART, Nielson (2014): Abogados y prevención del blanqueo de capitales. Manual básico. Málaga: Editorial Ley 57. Ángela Toso Milos 497-501 PDF (Spanish)