Vol. 12 No. 1 (2005)

Ingenio y trabajo.: Las invenciones laborales en el Derecho español y chileno

Alfredo Sierra Herrero
Comisión Laboral de la Confederación de la Producción y del Comercio.

Published 2005-06-30


  • Labour inventions Patentable inventions,
  • Utility models,
  • Additions,
  • Research staff,
  • Industrial Designs

How to Cite

Sierra Herrero, A. (2005). Ingenio y trabajo.: Las invenciones laborales en el Derecho español y chileno. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 12(1), 121-155. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07189753.2005.0001.00008


This work deals with the legal framework of employee's inventions, ordinarily named labour inventions. It reviews the several ways in which Spanish law protects patentable inventions, utility models and other titles of industrial property rights. From a perspective of working relationship, the article describes the linkage between labour inventions and some types of qualified employees, like high level executives or public officials. It also examines the inventions produced by university professors or by other researchers working at public institutions. A classification is exposed. Rights and obligations in the labour inventions regime are presented, in particular within the Industrial Design area. Finally, attention is devoted to labour inventions under chilean Law.


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