The Original sin, an opportunity to jump into free love.


  • Claudio Daniels M. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Original sin, Soteriology, Salvation history, Redemption


The reality of original sin for the Christian cultural background is not alien for us, but rather represents a subject that in one way or another we have been dealing with throughout our life of faith in the Church. That’s why we ask: how can we understand the collective dimension of original sin and its implications in soteriological terms? The nude fact and its implications; what it means for us as a reality that permeates our entire history of salvation; and the way it manifests and affects us in our life is very important. Every one of these aspects is inherent to the human reality, and in them our salvation history, the incarnation and redemption get their deepest meaning.


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How to Cite

Daniels M., C. (2010). The Original sin, an opportunity to jump into free love. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 2(2), 256-276.