Cuadernos de teología - Universidad Católica del Norte (On line) 2024-04-01T19:46:29+00:00 Eva Reyes Gacitúa Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">La Revista “Cuadernos de Teología - Universidad Católica del Norte”, ISSN 0719-8175, dependiente del Instituto de Ciencias Religiosas de la Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; es una publicación científica fundada en el año 2009 por el Dr. André Hubert S.J. Desde ese mismo año edita semestralmente, artículos inéditos en formato impreso y digital.<br /><br />La Revista tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de la Teología en diálogo: con la cultura, literatura, filosofía, educación y ciencias en general; por tanto, aborda el quehacer y reflexión interdisciplinar provenientes desde diversos ámbitos de investigación. <br /><br />Su Comité editor cuenta con reconocidos académicos y especialistas de prestigiosas universidades de Alemania, España, Canadá y Chile.</p> Fraternity: From a forgotten principle to an engine for social dynamics 2024-03-05T17:01:01+00:00 Alberto Barlocci <p>In referring to freedom, equality, and fraternity, the triptych of the French Revolution introduced these principles into political categories. The history of the three has followed autonomous paths. Fraternity developed together with cristianitas, before freedom and equality reached maturity as categories, though. The development of the principles of freedom and equality occurred at the eclipse of fraternity. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights puts together the triptych once more and demands that we confront a catalog of unalienable and indisputable rights. For this purpose, it is necessary to submerge ourselves into fraternity roots and essence, which does not exclude conflict, but provides methods for overcoming or living healthily together with it.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alberto Barlocci History, ethnohistory y anthropology 2024-01-03T15:33:56+00:00 Boris Briones-Soto <p>The study of religion is of interest for different human and social disciplines in search of understanding, by means of theoretical and methodological approaches, several religious practices from various cultural groups in diverse historical moments. This paper addresses the concepts of history, ethnohistory, and religious anthropology, along with the main elements that led to disciplinary construction, its exponents, and ways to use it in religious research, by making a bibliographical review. In this way, it is possible to understand that religion has been present in these disciplines over time</p> 2024-03-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Boris Briones-Soto Phylogenesis of the Catechism 2023-11-24T19:07:37+00:00 John Jairo Marin Tamayo <p>From a historical-cultural perspective, the emergence of the textual model known as catechism is introduced. A quick tour is made in time to determine the moment in which the noun 'catechism' started designating the artifact signifying it. The analysis shows that such a textual model is a pedagogical invention of the XVI century, transforming the religious instruction of Christian worshippers as a whole and children, in particular. This may be largely due to the shift from an oral catechesis to one based on text, an element proper of the Renaissance <em>episteme</em>.</p> 2024-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 John Jairo Marin Tamayo Religiosity and mental health 2023-09-28T14:09:35+00:00 Ignacio Cid-Pozo <p>Some conceptual models are dealt with to explain the effects of different human religiosity expressions on mental health. For this purpose, three dimensions in which individual religiosity is expressed on a daily basis are presented. Secondly, the limitations of this sub-field of study are explored, highlighting the "dark side" of the relationship between religion and mental health. Finally, the text deals with the contemporary challenges of this literature and, above all, its reception in Latin America.<br /><br /></p> 2024-01-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ignacio Cid-Pozo Contemplation, Mystics, and Carmelite Spirit in the poetry of Rosa Cruchaga de Walker 2024-04-01T19:46:29+00:00 Mónica Miranda-Borrachero <p>A new line of study of Rosa Cruchaga de Walker's poetry is proposed, focusing on the contemplative and mystic component, in accordance with the literary legacy of Discalced Carmelite, from the theology of Saint Teresa of Jesus to the poetry of Saint John of the Cross. The question of this study emerges from the analysis of some poems selected from the book of poems <em>Ramas sin fondo</em> (1967) corresponding to the Hispanic American post-avant-garde period. This book and her work as a whole highlights the use of symbolic objects and the desire of the poetic <em>self</em> to transcend its human condition. Through a daily and biblical symbology, the reader can appreciate the intimate spirituality of the author, which impregnates her verses and generates a unique «overworld» in the Chilean poetry of the XX century.</p> 2024-06-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mónica Miranda-Borrachero Theological scope of philology 2024-03-19T14:02:27+00:00 Francisco Arsenio Cobo-Reyes Lendínez <p>A series of texts written by poets and critics is analyzed, from Matthew Arnold to Antonio Colinas, who have seen in poetry the possibility of finding a means of spiritual comfort or even a transcendent sense. The purpose is understanding how a discourse linking poetic words and the experience of transcendence has developed over time to open up the bases for a dialog between philology and theology. The text focuses, more than on theories and strictly theological terms, on showing, by means of the authors' literary reflections, those aspects of their discourse pointing out the existence of a trascendental phenomenon in poetry. In this way, the approach to a literary phenomenon so heterogeneous and determined for creating the poetical discourse of some of the most remarkable poets of the 20th and 21st centuries could be developed on the basis of greater theological and literary assurance.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Arsenio Cobo-Reyes Lendínez