Encíclica Caritas in Veritate y la economía global.


  • Fernando Aurelio Álvarez Castillo Universidad Católica del Norte.




Caritas in Veritate, Economy, Globalization, Development


In his Encyclical, Pope Benedict XVI calls for governments and those who move the world economy to be conscious of the reality facing needier countries, and in this sense, he covers important statistics and realities that developed economies have shown at the expense of the poorer ones. He shows us how to employ the concept of “charity” to resolve the problems of people and countries. He points out that the gap in economic development which the phenomenon of globalization has generated makes life diffcult for people in society, in such a way that poverty has begun to show itself as one of the principal outcomes of these situations, and it is a matter of concern that those responsible are so slow to respond, lacking in initiative to resolve problems and basic necessities in countries of Africa, Central and South America.
The Pope has also pointed out the damage that the industrial world has produced on the environment, and in this way, calls upon governments to make efforts to generate regulatory systems that counteract the freedom with which markets function in this globalized economy.

Author Biography

Fernando Aurelio Álvarez Castillo, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Administración. 


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How to Cite

Álvarez Castillo, F. A. (2009). Encíclica Caritas in Veritate y la economía global. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 1(2), 116-126. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07198175.2009.0002.00003


