The Catholic Church as a political actor in the 21st. Century in Chile.


  • Juan Pablo Zambrano Tiznado Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.



Chilean Church, Political Actor, Social Morale, Sexual Morale


This paper intends to describe the role of the Catholic Church in the current social and cultural scenario of the 21st century in Chile. In this context and considering the reform process the Catholic Church is undergoing ad intra, the Orientaciones Pastorales 2014-2020 from the Chilean Episcopal Conference are reviewed. Conclusions show that a) the Church keeps its interest in influencing public space, particularly in social matters by using dialog, and b) that the Orientaciones Pastorales make only generic reference to problems associated with sexual moral, without expressing the public role the Church wants to play in these issues.

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Zambrano Tiznado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

Cientista Religioso (PUCV) y Licenciado en Educación (UPLACED). Doctorando en Ciencias Humanas mención Discurso y Cultura (UACH). Becario Conicyt.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Tiznado, J. P. (2015). The Catholic Church as a political actor in the 21st. Century in Chile. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 7(1), 112-120.


