Faith and culture in some current ecclesial documents: Evolution and perspectives.


  • Rafael Niño de Zepeda Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.



Culture, Culture's Evangelization, Inculturation, Faith's Transmission, New Culture


This article presents a general view on the relationship between faith and culture in the most significative ecclesiastic documents, from Vatican II Concilium onwards, stressing on documents from Episcopal Conferences from Latin America. This development is sustained by the hypothesis that evolving can be identified in the treatment of faith and culture. Following this, from Vatican II, the relationship between faith and culture has been deepening and contextualizing into latin american reality. But this evolution of sorts, was interrupted in the last Episcopal Conference, at Aparecida. It no longer continues with the inculturation idea with the same strenght as the Conference before, at Santo Domingo. Instead, the faith's transmission idea dominates, where the situation of the new culture, globalized, imposes itself, eroding the catholic substratum of our peoples.

Author Biography

Rafael Niño de Zepeda, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.

Centro de estudios sobre Fe y Cultura. 


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How to Cite

Niño de Zepeda, R. (2013). Faith and culture in some current ecclesial documents: Evolution and perspectives. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 5(2), 180-196.