Jesus Christ, first, foundation and fulfillment of our hope.

Intuitions about the primacy of Christ as a subject-agent of christian hope.


  • Haddy Bello Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Jesus Christ, Christian Hope, Theological Virtues, Theologic Anthropology


Expressions as: Christ "our hope", or "hope that saves" - making reference to the paulinist expression that "our salvation is in hope" (Spe enim salvi facti sumus. Cf. Rm 8,24), that to many it means that it talks about a hope connected to some scatological event (near or far), unlinked to the present realization from the person that it's already been saved by that hope. The articles, from one viewpoint, proposes a reflection on the theological virtue of hope made flesh today, in live tension with the future, and through which Jesus Christ becomes: hermeneutical principle, fundament, and consumation of created reality; and from another viewpoint, it points to think on what does that mean to the christian praxis, to give reason on that hope.

Author Biography

Haddy Bello, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Facultad de Teología.


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How to Cite

Bello, H. (2013). Jesus Christ, first, foundation and fulfillment of our hope.: Intuitions about the primacy of Christ as a subject-agent of christian hope. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 5(2), 74-86.